Why We Were Made

It has been common for quite some time for our unbelieving world to attribute our existence to aimless and impersonal forces. They want us to believe that the material universe just popped into being out of nothingness and then evolved into higher life forms over billions of years. That is all preposterous, but the natural man will bend over backwards to keep God out of our lives. If He made us then we owe our lives and our devotion to Him. It is His Word we must be guided by. When we die we will stand before Him and not merely be sizzled out of existence. The Bible teaches that God made us for Himself. For His glory. To honor His name. To walk in His way. All men turn to their own way by default after the Fall in the Garden of Eden. However, none of this changes the fact that we are made for God, not ourselves. And since glorifying God is our purpose, it is also true that those who have peace with God through Jesus Christ have an abundant life in Him. Seek the Lord while He may be found. Turn to Him with all your heart. He will abundantly pardon those who truly repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

A Reformed Southern Baptist Church

God is sovereign in all things, including salvation. The Reformation sought to return the Church to this core fact. The selling of indulgences by the Roman Catholic Church was one practice that sparked the Reformation into a blazing inferno. Sinners have no merit before God, nor can they ever gain any from their own works. Mankind, by virtue of the Fall, is wholly corrupt in heart and mind. Only the regenerative work of the Holy Spirit can produce fruit acceptable to God. This means salvation is entirely by grace, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. His righteousness is applied to our account while our sins are transferred to His cross where He pays for them with His life. By saving faith we are a new creation. Old things pass away and new life blossoms. God has not foreseen any good in us as a factor in choosing His elect. His election is unconditional. But it is not uncertain or merely potential. It is not up to us to enable God's choice to succeed. God will gather His elect. Not one of them will be lost. When God calls them they will come gladly and will bear fruit to God's glory alone. All sinners are called by God to heed the gospel. The reason we don't is due to our own stubborn rejection of God and hostile alienation from Him. Sinners must seek the Lord while He may be found. We are compelled to come to Christ. "Be saved from this perverse generation!" Peter proclaimed at Pentecost. When we face a sudden crisis in life we naturally run to safety. This is even more appropriate when we live on the brink of eternal death without Christ. Run to Jesus Christ!

"To suppose that whatever God requireth of us that we have the power of ourselves to do, is to make the cross of Christ of none effect."

--John Owen--

About Us

Our church facilities are located in the Orangeburg, SC area. We formed in 1988 seeking a place for biblical fellowship and the systematic proclamation of the inerrant Word of God. As mentioned above, we are a small fellowship of believers within the Southern Baptist denomination. We are not party or supportive of any departure from the Bible that leaders in the SBC might have done or may do in the future. Southern Baptist churches come in a variety of manifestations--not all good. But as Southern Baptists we are autonomous from the dictates of the convention itself, and our church chooses to be ruled by the Bible first and foremost.

Our church building is located on Cannon Bridge Road, about 4.5 miles from Highway 601 in Orangeburg. Taking Highway 601 south out of Orangeburg, take the first left after crossing the Edisto River. This will be Cannon Bridge Road. Our building is on the right, set back from the road, but our church sign is right alongside the road. Most people use GPS navigation these days so it is hoped these brief directions are sufficient. Please call for further guidance.


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